Bible Classes

Bible Classes

Displaying 1201 - 1225 of 1343

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
11/01/17 Philippians Larry Rouse N/A Wed Bible Study 20171101CLASS-LarryRouse-Philippians2.mp3
10/29/17 Job Jon Coleman N/A Sun Bible Study 20171029CLASS-JohnColeman-Job.mp3
10/25/17 Philippians Bob Simpson N/A Wed Bible Study 20171025-Class-Bob_Simpson-Philippians.mp3
10/22/17 Job Jon Coleman N/A Sun Bible Study 20171022_CLASS-JON_COLEMAN-JOB.mp3
10/18/17 Philippians Bob Simpson N/A Wed Bible Study 20171018CLASS-BobSimpson-Philippians1cont.mp3
10/15/17 Job Jon Coleman N/A Sun AM 20171015_JonColeman_Job1.mp3
10/11/17 Philippians Bob Simpson N/A Wed Bible Study 20171011CLASS-BobSimpson-Philippians1.mp3
10/04/17 Philippians Larry Rouse N/A Wed Bible Study 20171004CLASS-LarryRouse-Philippians.mp3
09/20/17 2 Corinthians Ashley Miller N/A Wed Bible Study 20170920_AshleyMiller_2Corinthians.mp3
09/17/17 Covenants Larry Rouse N/A Sun Bible Study 20170917-larryrouse-covenants.mp3
09/13/17 2 Corinthians Ashley Miller N/A Wed Bible Study 20170913-AshleyMiller-2Corinthians.mp3
09/10/17 Covenants: Week 8 Larry Rouse N/A Sun Bible Study Lesson5-ConfusionOnTheCovenants-Part1.pptx Lesson4-TheNatureAndPurposeOfTheNewCovenant-1505088256.pptx 20170910CLASS-LarryRouse-DifferencesOldAndNew.mp3
09/06/17 2 Corinthians Ashley Miller N/A Wed Bible Study 2017090626CLASS-AshleyMiller-2Corinthians8.mp3
09/03/17 Covenants: Week 7 Larry Rouse N/A Sun AM Lesson4-TheNatureAndPurposeOfTheNewCovenant.pptx 2017090305Class-LarryRouse-NewCovenantLesson4.mp3
08/23/17 2017 Fall Orientation Night Walker Davis N/A Wed Bible Study 2017_Orientation_Night.pptx 20170823-OrientationNight.mp3
08/20/17 Covenants: Week 6 Larry Rouse N/A Sun Bible Study Lesson4-TheNatureAndPurposeOfTheNewCovenant.pptx 20170820Class-LarryRouse-Covenants.mp3
08/16/17 2 Corinthians Ashley Miller N/A Bible Study 20170816CLASS-AshleyMiller-2Cor7.mp3
08/13/17 Covenants: Week 5 Larry Rouse N/A Bible Study Lesson3-SimilaritiesAndDifferencesBetweenTheOldAndNewCovenant.pptx 2017081340CLASS-LarryRouse-SimilaritiesintheOTandNT.mp3
08/06/17 Covenants: Week 4 Larry Rouse N/A Sun AM 20170806-lrouse-differenceoldandnewcovenant.mp3
07/30/17 Covenants: Week 3 Larry Rouse N/A Sun AM 20170730CLASS-LarryRouse-Lesson3.mp3
07/26/17 2 Corinthians Ashley Miller N/A Wed Bible Study 20170726_AshleyMiller_2Cor.mp3
07/23/17 Covenants: Week 2 Larry Rouse N/A Sun Bible Study Lesson2-GodsPurposeInTheOldCovenant.pptx 20170723Class-LarryRouse-Lesson2.mp3
07/02/17 Covenants: Week 1 Larry Rouse N/A Sun Bible Study Lesson1-TheBlessingOfHavingACovenantWithGod.pptx 2017070217Class-LarryRouse-Covenants_1-1499011149.mp3
06/28/17 Galatians 6:1-18 Ryan Hasty N/A Wed Bible Study 20170628CLASS-RyanHasty-Galatians.mp3
06/25/17 1 Corinthians Part 2 Matt Hall N/A Sun Bible Study 20170625-MattHall-1Cord.mp3

Displaying 1201 - 1225 of 1343

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