Adult Class Material

Angels & Demons - Larry Rouse
- The Origin and Function of Angels and Demons
- The Nature and Similarity of Angels to Men
- The Providence of God and Spiritual Beings
- How God Uses and Then Defeats Satan
- A Study of the Angel of the Lord
- Demons and Demon Possession
Apostles: Their Place & Work - Larry Rouse
- Learning How God Works
- God's Authentication of the Apostles (Part 1)
- God's Authentication of the Apostles (Part 2)
- The Words Delivered to the Apostles
- Local Churches and the Apostles
- Defending the Place of Apostles
Building a Biblical Home - Larry Rouse
- We Must Trust in God
- Learning to Work Together
- Communication in Marriage
- How Love Solves Family Problems
- How Do We Build A Biblical Faith in our Children
The Church - Ryan Hasty
- Introduction
- Its Nature
- Its Standard of Authority
- False Standards of Authority (Objective)
- False Standards of Authority (Subjective)
- Applying The Standard (1)
- Applying The Standard (2)
- Local Organization (1)
- Local Organization (2)
- Local Orgnization Apostasy
- Nature of Worship
- Elements of Worship
- Its Work of Edification
- Its Work of Evangelism
- Its Work of Benevolence
Church History - Ryan Hasty
- Why Study Church History
- Origin of the Lord's Church
- Post-Apostolic Apostasy
- Post-Apostolic Persecution
- Edict of Milan and Aftermath
- Fall of Rome
- Rise of Islam
- Holy Roman Empire
- Catholic Doctrine vs. the Bible
- Reformation Forerunners
- Reformation - Luther
- Reformation - Zwingle and Calvin
- Church of England
- Baptist Church - "Why I left the Baptist church" Sermon Outline from Larry Rouse
- Methodist Church
- Holiness Movement
- Restoration - part 1
- Restoration - part 2
Churches of Christ: Then & Now - Larry Rouse
- Who Are The People Of God?
- The Historical Problem Of Institutionalism
- Should We Seek To Restore The Ancient Order?
- How Are We Justified By Faith?
- How Do We Deal With Doctrinal Differences?
Christians & Money - Larry Rouse
- Money and the Revealing of our Hearts
- Earning Money
- Spending Money and Debt
- Money and the Family
- Money and the Local Church
Evidences -Ryan Hasty
- Evidence Is The Basis Of Faith
- Case For Existance
- Case For Design
- Case For Morality
- General Vs. Specific Revelation
- Reliability Of The Old Testament
- Inspiration Of The Old Testament
- Reliability Of The New Testament
- Inspiration Of The New Testament
- How We Got The Bible
- Are There Lost Books Of The Bible?
- What The Bible Says About Latter Day Prophecy
- The Bible Vs. Mormonism
- The Bible Vs. The Watchtower Society
- The Bible Vs. The Koran
- Who Is Jesus Christ?
- The Resurrection Of Jesus Christ
- The Conversion Of Saul Of Tarsus
- Genesis In The Chinese Language
- Where Does Skepticism Come From?
- Why Is There Evil & Suffering In The World?
- Why Does God Allow Children To Suffer?
- Was The Bible Plagiarized?
- The Bible Vs. Evolution
- The Bible & Slavery
- Is God Immoral For Killing The Canaanites?
- Why Don't Christians Practice What They Preach?
Evolution & the Age of the Earth - Ryan Hasty
- A Ready Defense Against Evolution
- Why Do So Many People Believe In Evolution?
- Where Did Evolution Come From?
- Animal Kinds
- Evolution's Weaknesses
- Famous Evolutionary Hoaxes
- Misconceptions Of Evolution
- Societal & Spiritual Consequences of Evolution
- Day Age Controversy
- Answering The Arguments For Theistic Evolution
- Examing The Fossil Record
- Uniformitarianism Or Catastrophism
- Evidence For The Global Flood
- When Did Dinosaurs Live?
- Scientific Evidence For A Young Earth
Ezekiel - Ryan Hasty
- Introduction
- Ezekiel's Commission
- Accepting the Yoke of Babylon
- Facing Their Sins (I)
- Facing Their Sins (II)
- Repentance and Judgment Against Israel (I)
- Judgment Against Israel (II)
- Judgment Against the Nations
- The Watchman and The Good Shepherd
- Hope for Mountains and Valley of Dry Bones
- Gog & Magog
- Vision of the Temple
Galatians - Ryan Hasty
- Introduction; Gal 1.1 - 1.5
- Gal 1.6 - 1.24
- Gal 2.1 - 2.10
- Gal 2.11 - 2.21
- Gal 3.1 - 3.18
- Gal 3.19 - 4.7
- Gal 4.8 - 4.20
- Gal 4.21 - 4.31
- Gal 5.1 - 5.15
- Gal 5.16 - 5.26
- Gal 6.1 - 6.18
God: His Nature & Attributes - Larry Rouse
- Diligently Seeking God
- A Holy God
- A Jealous God
- The Wrath and Longsuffering of God
- The Love and Forgiveness of God
Heaven & The Afterlife - Larry Rouse
- The Nature of Man and the Death of the Body
- The Hadean World (Part 1)
- The Hadean World (Part 2)
- The Resurrection of the Dead
- The Second Coming and the Destruction of the Universe
- What Will Heaven Be Like?
- Is Our Understanding Of Hell A Human Tradition?
Isaiah - Ryan Hasty
- Introduction; Isaiah 1.1-9
- Isaiah 1.10 - 2.4
- Isaiah 2.5 - 3.15
- Isaiah 3.16 - 5.7
- Isaiah 5.8 - 5.30
- Isaiah 6.1 - 6.13
- Isaiah 7.1 - 7.25
- Isaiah 8.1 - 8.22
- Isaiah 9.1 - 10.4
- Isaiah 10:5 - 10.34
- Isaiah 11.1 - 12.6
- Isaiah 13.1 - 14.2
- Isaiah 14.3 - 14.32
- Isaiah 15.1 - 16.14
- Isaiah 17.1 - 18.7
- Isaiah 19.1 - 19.25
- Isaiah 20.1 - 21.17
- Isaiah 22.1 - 22.25
- Isaiah 23.1 - 23.18
- Isaiah 24.1 - 25.12
- Isaiah 26.1 - 27.13
- Isaiah 28.1 - 28.29
- Isaiah 29.1 - 29.24
- Isaiah 30.1 -30.33
- Isaiah 31.1 - 32.20
- Isaiah 33.1 - 33.24
- Isaiah 34.1 - 35.10
- Isaiah 36.1 - 36.22
- Isaiah 37.1 - 37.38
- Isaiah 38.1 - 39.8
- Isaiah 1 - 39 Summary; Isaiah 40.1 - 40.11
- Isaiah 40.12 - 40.31
- Isaiah 41.1 - 41.24
- Isaiah 41.25 - 42.17
- Isaiah 42.18 - 43.21
- Isaiah 43.22 - 44.23
- Isaiah 44.24 - 45.17
- Isaiah 45.18 - 47.15
- Isaiah 48.1 - 48.22
- Isaiah 49.1 - 49:26
- Isaiah 50:1 - 51:11
- Isaiah 51.12 - 52.12
- Isaiah 52.13 - 53.12
- Isaiah 54.1 - 54.17
- Isaiah 55:1 - 56:8
- Isaiah 56.9 - 57.21
- Isaiah 58.1 - 59.15
- Isaiah 59.15 - 60.22
- Isaiah 61.1 - 62.12
- Isaiah 63.1 - 64.12
- Isaiah 65.1 - 65:25
- Isaiah 66.1 - 66:24
Israel's Final Stages of Apostasy - Larry Rouse
- Israel's Historical Steps to Apostasy
- A Faithless and Secretive Leadership
- A People Who Forgot Their God
- A Worship That Left the Heart Untouched
- The Merciful End of God's Wrath - A Purified Fellowship
James - Ashley Miller
- Cover
- Syllabus
- Questions for INTRO Class
- Question for Class 2 - James 1:2-12, Sunday 7-10-16
- Questions for Class 3 - James 1:13-18, Sunday 7-17-16
- Questions for Class 4 - James 1: 19-26, Sunday 7-24-16
Leviticus - Ryan Hasty
- Introduction
- Overview Of Sacrifices
- Voluntary Sacrifices
- Obligatory Sacrifices
- Ritual Feasts
- Priesthood: Consecration & Qualifications
- Ritual Purity
- Moral Purity
- Day Of Atonement
- Moses' Call To Faithfulness
Love (Characterictics) - Ryan Hasty
- Introduction
- Love Is Patient
- Love Is Kind
- Love Is Not Jealous
- Love Does Not Brag & Is Not Arrogant
- Love Does Not Act Unbecomingly
- Love Does Not Seek Its Own
- Love Is Not Provoked
- Love Does Not Take Into Account A Wrong Suffered
- Love Rejoices Not In Unrighteousness, But Rejoices In Truth
- Love Bears All Things, Believes All Things
- Love Hopes All Things, Endures All Things
Micah - Ryan Hasty
- Introduction; Mic 1:1
- Micah 1.2-16
- Micah 2.1-13
- Micah 3.1-12
- Micah 4.1-13
- Micah 5.1-15
- Micah 6.1-16
- Micah 7.1-20
Old Testament Survey - Ryan Hasty
- Using The Old Testament in Evangelism
- The Creation, Flood, & Scattering of the People
- Patriarchs
- Exodus
- Wandering in the Wilderness
- Conquest of the Land
- Judges
- United Kingdom
- Divided Kingdom
- Judah Alone
- Captivity
- Return From Captivity
- Poetry
- 400 Years of Silence
Parables of Jesus - Larry Rouse
- The Purpose and Place of the Parables of Jesus
- The Parable of the Sower
- Parables of Forgiveness
- Parables Concerning Prayer
- Parables of Self-Righteousness and Humility
1 & 2 Peter
- Schedule
- Lesson 1 - Introduction to 1 Peter
- Lesson 2 - 1 Peter 1:3-12 - A Living Hope
- Lesson 3 - 1 Peter 1:13-25 - The Results of Salvation: Prepare your minds
- Lesson 4 - 1 Peter 2:1-12 -Living Stones & A Royal Priesthood
- Lesson 5 - 1 Peter 2:13-25 - Submission and Jesus as an example
- Lesson 6 - 1 Peter 3:1-12 - Living Godly Lives
- Lesson 7 - 1 Peter 3: 13-22 - Sufferings Part 1
- Lesson 8 - 1 Peter 4 - Sufferings Part 2
- Lesson 9 - 1 Peter 5 - Elders and Humility
- Lesson 10 - 1 Peter Review & 2 Peter Intro.
- Lesson 11 - 2 Peter 1:1-21 - Grow as a Christian
Psalms - Matt Hall
- Introduction
- Psalms 1-3
- Psalms 15, 18, 19
- Psalms 22, 23, 32
- Psalms 45, 51, 52, 56
- Psalms 61, 67, 69, 72
- Psalms 73, 79, 84
Psalms - Ryan Hasty
Romans - Branson Williams
- Introduction
- They Are Without Excuse - Mike Johnson
- Romans Chapter 1
- Romans Chapter 2
- Romans Chapter 3
- Romans Chapter 4
- Romans Chapter 5
- Romans Chapter 6
- Romans Chapter 7
- Romans Chapter 8
- Romans Chapter 9
- Romans Chapter 10
- Romans Chapter 11
- Romans Chapter 12
- Romans Chapter 13
- Romans Chapter 14 - 15:13
- Romans Chapter 15:14 - 16
Sermon On The Mount - Ryan Hasty
- Beatitudes
- Salt & Light
- Law & the Prophets
- Righteousness of the Scribes & Pharisees
- You Have Heard - 1
- You Have Heard - 2
- Motives of the Heart
- Materialism
- Anxiety
- Judging
- Ask, Seek, Knock
- Narrow Way & False Teachers
- Two Foundations
Song of Solomon - Ryan Hasty
- Introduction
- Song of Solomon 1.1 - 1.14
- Song of Solomon 1.15 - 2.17
- Song of Solomon 3.1 - 4.7
- Song of Solomon 4.8 - 5.8
- Song of Solomon 5.9 - 6.9
- Song of Solomon 6.10 - 7.13
- Song of Solomon 8.1 - 8.14
Wisdom - Ryan Hasty