Bible Classes

Bible Classes

Displaying 951 - 975 of 1264

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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
08/18/19 1 Thessalonians Bruce Daniels N/A Sun Bible Study 20190818SunAMBruceDaniels1Thessalonians.mp3
08/14/19 Study of Acts 6 Jimmy Roberts N/A Wed Bible Study 20190814Class-JimmyRoberts-Study_of_Acts_6.mp3
08/11/19 Special Exhortations I Thessalonians 4:1-12 Bruce Daniels N/A Sun Bible Study Lesson_6.pptx 20190811AMClass-BruceDaniels-Special_Exhortations_I_Thessalonians_41-12
08/07/19 Acts 5 Jimmy Roberts N/A Wed Bible Study 20190807CLASS-Jimmy_Roberts-Acts_5.mp3
08/04/19 Study of Acts Paul’s Concern for the Church Bruce Daniels N/A Sun Bible Study Lesson_5.pptx 20190804AM_Class_BDaniels.mp3
07/31/19 Study of Acts 4 Jimmy Roberts N/A Wed Bible Study 20190731WedPMJimmyRobertsStudyofActs.mp3
07/28/19 I Thessalonians 2:1-16 Paul’s Defense Bruce Daniels N/A Sun Bible Study Lesson_4.pptx 20190728AMClass-BruceDaniels-PaulsDefense.mp3
07/24/19 Study of Acts Jimmy Roberts N/A Wed Bible Study 20190724Class-JimmyRoberts-Acts.mp3
07/21/19 1 & 2 Thessalonians Bruce Daniels N/A Sun Bible Study 20190721Class-BruceDaniels-Thessalonians.mp3
07/17/19 Study of Acts Jimmy Roberts N/A Wed Bible Study 20190717CLASS-JimmyRoberts-Acts2.mp3
07/14/19 1 & 2 Thessalonians Bruce Daniels N/A Sun Bible Study 20190714AMClass-BruceDaniels-Foundingofchurch.mp3
07/10/19 Study of Acts Jimmy Roberts N/A Wed Bible Study 20190710WedClassJimmyRobertsActs.mp3
07/03/19 Parables Review - Wise-Foolish builders Ashley Miller N/A Wed Bible Study 20190703PMClass-AshleyMiller-_Parables_Review_-_Wise-Foolish_builders.mp3 13_-_Parables_Review_-_Wise-Foolish_builders.pptx
06/30/19 The Christian's Attitude: Towards Satan Jared Johnson N/A Sun Bible Study 20190630AMClass-JaredJohnson-ChrstianAttitudeTowardSatan.mp3
06/26/19 Parable of the Wedding Feast Ashley Miller N/A Wed Bible Study 20190626AMPMClass-055.mp3
06/23/19 Attitude Toward Satan Jared Johnson N/A Sun Bible Study 20190623AMClass-JaredJohnson-AttitudeTowardSatan.mp3
06/19/19 Parable of the Talents Ashley Miller N/A Wed Bible Study 20190619CLASS-AshleyMiller-Parable_of_the_Talents.mp3
06/16/19 The Christian's Attitude Toward Self Jared Johnson N/A Sun Bible Study 20190616_AM_Class_JaredJohnston_ChristianAttitude-Self.mp3
06/13/19 Counting The Cost of being a Disciple Tyler Crawford N/A VBS Adult Study 20190613VBS-TylerCrawford-CountingTheCostOfDiscipleship.mp3
06/11/19 The Sheep and The Goats Larry Rouse N/A VBS Adult Study 20190611_VBS_Larry_Rouse_The_Sheep_and_the_Goats.mp3
06/10/19 The Parable of the Unrighteous Stewart Ryan Hasty N/A VBS Adult Study 20190610VBS_Ryan_Hasty_Parable_of_Unrightreous_Stewart.mp3
06/09/19 The Rich Fool Ashley Miller N/A Sun Bible Study 9_-_The_Rich_Fool_-_Luke_12.pptx 20190609AClassAshelyMiller-TheRichFool.mp3
06/05/19 The Christian's Attitude: Towards Self Jared Johnson N/A Wed Bible Study 20190605PMClass-JaredJohnson-AttitudeTowardSelf.mp3
06/02/19 The Christian's Attitude towards Others Jared Johnson N/A Sun Bible Study 20190602Class_Jared_Johnson_Christians_attitude.mp3
05/29/19 Widow-Friend at Midnight - PRAYER Ashley Miller N/A Wed Bible Study 20190529PMClass-AshleyMiller-PrayerParables.mp3 8-_Per_Widow-Friend_at_Midnight_-_PRAYER.pptx

Displaying 951 - 975 of 1264

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